Tuesday 18 November 2008

Etsy shops

While making my regular drops through Entrecard , I stumbled upon loads of marvellous Etsy shops. Gosh the choices are just over whelming. There are indeed some unique and wonderful stuff made available at Etsy by very talented sellers.

Ive tried dabbling in crafts myself about a year ago, but had to stop due to lack of time. Between working full time , a full time 'housewife' (hehe) and part time studying whatever time I have left I will spend it on the internet , going out , catching up with telly and sleep. Oh yeah and PSP-ing LOL!

I applaud those who are so creative and have pursued their hobbies, turning it into a profit making business.

I am a registered Etsy buyer but I have not bought anything since registering three months ago. I've placed a lot of sellers as my favourites but I simply can't choose.
I can't decide whether to get a pair of earrings or bracelet or a ring.. there are simply too many to chose from.


  1. I have an Etsy shop but I don't list anything there. lol I have bought a couple of times, though.

    I suggest convo-ing whomever you may want to buy from. :)

    There will be that ONE item that you absolutely MUST have! I'm sure of it.

    Lots of talented people out there.


    Rayne (Thoughts)

  2. Hey Rayne
    Yes u are right there is this ONE item that Im seriously contemplating on getting but am afraid that if I were to get it I might find something else later on that I want hahah. U see its all down to the availability of my paypal funds and I refuse to use cdt not during this economic climate :)



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