Tuesday 24 November 2009

Lost without you

Today of all days Ive forgotten my mobile phone. I was rushing to catch my train this morning, and left my mobile on the sofa.

My mobile plays quite an important part in my life as I found out today. Even though I don't make or receive many calls on my mobile , below are few of it's role in my life:

  • my alarm clock
  • my digital watch - I don't wear any wrist watch
  • entertainment - I always listen to the radio via my mobile
  • Internet - to ease the boredom while waiting for the train
  • games - I had various games downloaded again to ease boredom
Other than that , it's the basic features that I miss as well texting and ringing my hubby. Yup up today I still can't remember his number off hand , which also means that I can't remember my own mobile number.

While I was sat at the train station waiting for the train, I was bored out of my wits. I stared at the posters , stared at the graffiti, looked at all the rubbish at the platform. After a while I got bored siting down , I walked around in circles I even tried to peer into the cars that was park by the station just to know what time it was.

There was two other commuters on the platform but they didn't look friendly enough for me to ask them what time it was.

I could not be happier when I saw the train. Hurrah.

Which brings me to think, since when did I let my mobile take control of my life? I remember the days ( quite some time ago) where I could have relinquished boredom without much problem. Now I have to admit, my mobile does play an important part in my life . It is the first thing that I grab in the morning to switch off the alarm, it is the first thing I take out of my bag when I arrived at my work desk, it is first thing I make sure I have in my jacket before I leave work and it is the last thing I look at before I go to bed.

I can safely say I am lost without my mobile.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Few snippets of Blanche Ebbutt


Don't boast your husband's money or birth or cleverness to your friends. It is nearly as bad as boasting of your own.

Don't quarrel with your husband. Remember it takes two to make a quarrel; don't you be one of them. Lovers' quarrel may be all very well, but matrimonial doses are apt to leave a bitter flavour behind. The quarrels of spouses are not always the renewal of love.

Don't nag your husband. If he won't carry out your wishes for love of you, he certainly won't because you nag him.

Evenings at home
Don't omit the kiss of greeting. It cheers a man when he is tired to feel that his wife is glad to see him home.

Don't spend all your time with the children and leave none over for your husband. You can have them during the day; it is your husband's turn when he comes home in the evening.

Don't tell your husband of every petty annoyance and pin-prick you have suffered from during the day, but do tell him your real troubles; he expects to share them, and his advice may help you. In any case, his sympathy will halve the trouble.

Don't be shy of showing your love. Don't expect him to take it for granted. A playful caress as you pass the chair, an unexpected touch on the shoulder, makes all the difference betweeen merely knowing that you care for him and actually feeling it.

Don't get into the habit of dressing carelessly when there is 'only' your husband to see you. He is a man after all, and if his wife does not take the trouble to do so plenty of other women who will.

Don't think your baby is as interesting to everyone else as she/he is to you. It is quite natural for you to think that there never was such a wonderful baby before, but other people are apt to smile at each other or become horribly bored if you can talk of nothing else.

How to avoid discord
Don't say, 'I told you so' , however much you feel tempted to. It does no good, and he will be grateful to you for NOT saying it.


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