Saturday 28 February 2009

Sunday 22 February 2009

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Saturday 21 February 2009

Why do you blog?

This is my unofficial categorisation of reasons:

o An outlet to vent out emotions ( When no one else is around
(or bother)to listen)
o Announcing to the world how great one’s life is ( ‘I am so great’ syndrome)
o Sharing of information i.e business and technical (Could be very informative)
o Main Income, Working from home (e.g Craft selling), Marketing
o For fun ( Sure why not?)
o I have a different opinion ( Everyone is entitled to their own opinion)
o Life is crap( 'I need help to sort out my life' )
o To kill boredom ( It helps!)
o Religious reason (sharing of Spiritual experiences)
o Work experiences (could be dangerous if do not remain anonymous)
o Self admiration and self righteousness (‘Look at me’ syndrome)
o Telling the whole world about their family and daily life
(Bombarding readers with ridiculous amount of pictures)
o A little bit of side income (Writing posts, adverts etc)
o University life
(Usually full of how much fun it is .. don’t think studying is one of it)
o Living abroad experiences ( Relocating stories etc)
o Planning a wedding (Sometimes can get very cheesy)
o Planning for a family ( Yes okay so? It is not a new phenomenon)
o Holiday blog ( Can be interesting)
o Online diary (Too much detail)
o Dating ( Self advertising)
o Entertainment (Celebrity , Movies, Music)
o Personal opinions (Anything under the sun)
o Need for attention (Another ‘look at me’ syndrome)
o Keeping in touch
(hmm writing email should solve this, less public approach especially if the only readers that are interested about the blog are family members).
o Update about everybody (‘ I am so famous because I know everyone’ syndrome)
o ‘I’m so in love’ blog (Maybe should just tell the person you love)
o Going through a hard experience ( Redundancy, Sickness, Dying, Divorce, Infertility, Death etc)

Which one do you fall under? I don’t think anyone fall into just one category , the reasons we blog are always a mixture whether directly or not.

Happy blogging!


Sorry for the long silence, folks.. but hopefully after this busy spell I will be posting regularly.

To my EC droppers Thank you for your drops ! :)

To my other visitors , Thank you for dropping by at this humble domain :)


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