Im tired (in no particular order)
1) of the whispers that goes around in the office. A very unprofessional attitude. I dont even know whether I should be paranoid or less aware of my surroundings. But I am just so tired of people whispering in the office. And it is always done by the usual suspects.
2) of the backstabbing at work and pointing of fingers -(again only at the back)
3) of the whinging and moaning how they've got so much to do but if they spent all their time b*tching it should NOT be a wonder to them why they can't get any bl**dy work done
4) of the question "When are you going to have kids'. Please mind your own business! Just because you (yes you know who you are) have one or some doesn't mean we are less human for not living the life that you are living. We will have one when we are ready. Not a good enough answer? Well tough. I have chosen to spend my life with my spouse not you!
5) of people assuming we make tonnes of money just because we work abroad and keep pestering for gifts and money.
6) of not having my family near me
7) of living abroad
8) of friends whom are NOT really my friends but will re appear when they feel they need a favour
9) of doing the housework and my spouse does not even offer any help (yup guess I made 'my own bed' with this situation)
10) of feeling tired.
hello just visiting and dropping my ec here.