Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Personality traits of a Virgo

Taken from http://www.exploreastrology.co.uk

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is symbolised by the virgin. The symbol of the virgin may be used for Virgos in part because it shows their cool and disciplined ways. Virgos are rational, practical, intelligent people who are able to think clearly thanks to the ruler of their Earth sign, Mercury. If you ever decide to question a Virgo, make sure you know your stuff because it will be hard to convince them they are wrong. A Virgo's thought is so precise that they are not very tolerant of other people's procrastination or lack of common sense. They simply cannot understand why other people cannot function at the same level as they do. Virgos also pride themselves on their excellent memories.

Because Virgos have such clear thought, they may be critical of others. They are perfectionists who despise carelessness and incoherence in others. However, as critical as they are of others, they usually turn that criticism inwards on themselves. They dislike being criticised by others because they already know their own faults.

Most Virgos have an intensity that makes them both industrious and efficient. Sticklers for detail, they are very organised. They are also hard workers as they are driven to do, not daydream. They are weary of making decisions until they know all the facts. Virgos are shy by nature and function better in one-on-one situations rather than in large social gatherings.

Calm Intensity
Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo. Both signs have a lot of restless nervousness, but while it manifests into nervous energy for Geminis, you will rarely be able to see it in Virgos. To the world, Virgos appear calm and collected, but underneath that, they have a great intensity that demands they bring order to their worlds. Beneath the calm exterior is a frantic interior that needs to rearrange until everything is perfect.

This leads to one of Virgos most important personality traits - that is that of perfection. Whether it is balancing a checkbook to the penny or measuring something five times until they are sure it is precise, Virgos are perfectionists. This works well with their analytical thinking and practicality.

Virgos have the tendency to be as overly critical of others as they are of themselves. They can be seen as petty and are often skeptical of the ideas of others. They are worriers, which may lead them to be hypochondriacs. Their constant need for perfection can wear on others.

Parts of the Body Ruled by Virgo
The nervous system and intestines - Virgos may find they suffer from stress and nervous tension, which in turn can cause ulcers

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