I have finally moved out of the 'adventurous' (that's putting it lightly) department and far away from the office bully. It is only my 2nd day at the new department and things are looking okay. A lot of new work processes that I need to grasp but I am enjoying it. I like learning new things, keeps things from being mundane.
Also next in the pipeline is a presentation. Which really, I should start doing up the slides. I have my notes but I haven't transfer these to power point. Perhaps this weekend would be the best time to do so.
I have neglected house chores for the past month and am paying the price now as our house is in a real tip. So will be clearing, dusting and etc for the new couple of weeks to get it back in pristine condition again.
Before I end , please take care of yourself and enhance your hygiene + cleanliness
Beware of the swine/pig flu!